Undergraduate Admissions

Jackson State University® is an environment that inspires you to grow, learn, and reach beyond the ordinary. This is a “home away from home” where every student can find their place. Our team in Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment is committed to assisting prospective students and their families through the acceptance and enrollment process by providing essential information to help students successfully transition into the university. This webpage will provide you with the necessary information to guide your educational goals.
Jackson State University is test optional for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 academic years
JSU offers highly qualified high school student the opportunity to earn college credit while they are enrolled in high school. To be dually enrolled, the applicant must have a
- Minimum overall GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale on all high school courses, and
- Successful completion of 14 core high school units and/or junior status and
- Written recommendation from school principal or guidance counselor
- Minimum overall GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale on all high school courses and
- Minimum composite ACT score of 30 or the equivalent SAT score and
- Written recommendation from school principal or guidance counselor
Click Here for
Dual Enrollment Experiment between Jackson State University and Jackson Public Schools
Step 1: Visit Our Campus
Are you ready to visit our beautiful Jackson, MS campus? Join us for a tour and explore life at Jackson State. Your visit will consist of a brief orientation session and a 1½ hour walking tour. Tours are conducted by recruitment office staff and student ambassadors. During our tour, prospective students and visitors learn about undergraduate admission requirements, degree options, housing, student life and the legacy of the university. You’ll get a glimpse of some notable campus buildings including our JSU Student Center, residential facilities, recreation center and library.
To schedule a campus visit, please click here
Step 2: Get Admitted to JSU
Applying to Jackson State University takes 3 easy steps:
- Request your high school to send an official transcript to Undergraduate Admissions.
- Request official ACT or SAT scores be sent to Undergraduate Admissions. We suggest these scores come directly from ACT or SAT. Jackson State University’s college code for ACT is 2204 and the SAT college code is 1341.
- Submit a letter of recommendation from your high school counselor or principal
Please allow at least 7-10 business days from the receipt of all required documents for an admission decision.
Test Scores
- The preferred method is directly from ACT or SAT. JSU’s code for ACT is 2204 and the code for SAT is 1341.
- A pdf version (ONLY) is acceptable, and may be mailed or emailed (email to transcripts@landaiztc.com)
- ACT scores printed on the transcript are NOT considered official (Please submit official copy)
Official Transcript
The official transcript may be
- Sent electronically via Parchment web account or Clearinghouse (email for clearinghouse is futuretigers@landaiztc.com). If sending via any other method, please call 601-979-6361 for further instructions
- Mailed (must be sent in school envelope)
- Hand delivered (must be in a sealed envelope)
- Emailed directly from the high school counselor or other school administrator from school email address (send to transcripts@landaiztc.com)
Mailing Address:
Jackson State University
Undergraduate Admissions
P.O. Box 17330
Jackson, MS 39217
Step 3: Send Immunization Record
All students born after December 1956 who plan to attend classes on one of our campuses must submit proof of immunization compliance for measles, mumps, and rubella (on-line students excepted). A copy of your Immunization record (or your state’s immunization compliance form) can be submitted directly to the Health Center in one of the following ways:
FAX: 601-979-9228
EMAIL: healthservices@landaiztc.com, (if more convenient for you).
For more detailed information on JSU’s health screening requirements, including for international students, exemptions and the Health Center’s mailing address, visit the Health Center’s web page at 461j.landaiztc.com/healthservices
The contact number for the JSU Health Center is 601-979-2260
Step 4: Register for Classes
Whether you are taking a class online or on campus, please schedule a meeting with an academic advisor. If you will be enrolled in an online program, please contact JSUOnline at 601-979-0779. If you are taking classes on campus, please contact the University Academic Advisement Center at 601-979-1250.
Step 5: Complete Registration or Set Up a Payment Plan
“Completing Registration” is the phrase used to describe the Business Office acknowledgement or verification of how fees are to be paid for the current semester. Once this information is "officially communicated" to the Business Office, we will “accept” the charges and payments for the current semester which in turn protects the student’s classes from being purged.
There are two ways to “officially communicate” with the Office of Financial Services
1. The first and most popular way is via the Automatic Registration Complete process. Once a student has selected his or her classes (along with housing and meal plan), the system will review all eligible accepted financial aid and if the remaining balance is less than $200, the students’ registration will be completed automatically.
2. The second way to “officially communicate” is to enroll in the online payment plan. The payment plan is based on the balance due being divided into four (4) installments. The initial installment plus $100 (the deferment fee) is required to complete registration. The remaining three (3) installments are due in 30-day increments. Late fees of $70 begins on the 1st day of class.
Students can verify their status by signing into their JSU PAWS account and following the steps below
1. Select the “Student” tab.
2. Select “Registration”
3. Select “Fall Registration Service”
4. Select “Check Registration Status”
5. If registration is complete a congratulatory message will be displayed.
6. If not, a message will display instructing you to your next required step.
Step 6 – Get your Student Identification
To enhance the safety and security of the campus community, faculty, staff and students are required to obtain a University issued photo ID card. The University mandates that all faculty, staff, and students display his/her ID card visibly at all times while on campus. First-year students are able to obtain their ID after registration is complete (Step 8).
Priority Deadlines: Traditional Students
Fall semester – August 24th
Spring semester – January 11th
First summer session – May 27th
Second summer session – June 27th
Deadlines: JSUOnline Students
Spring – 1st 8 Weeks – January 7th
Spring – 2nd 8 Weeks – March 4th
Summer – May 15th
Fall – 1st 8 Weeks – August 20th
Fall – 2nd 8 Weeks – October 11th
You have never attended a college or university, or you attended a college or university for the first time in the prior summer term.
You are entering JSU for the first time, but previously attended another postsecondary institution.
You are a non-US Citizen seeking an undergraduate degree. This excludes students graduating (or transferring) from a college or high school in the US.
You are interested in online degree programs and general education courses which allow students to conveniently earn a quality education and work toward achieving long-term career goals.
Learn about admissions for transient, non-degree seeking, dually enrolled, homeschooled, GED, and post-baccalaureate students.
Student Services
Veterans and Military Center | Disability Services & ADA Compliance | The Latasha Norman Center for Counseling Services
Related Links
Admissions Policies | Academic Calendar | Credit By Examination | Net Price Calculator | Tuition and Fees | Mississippi In-State Residency Status Change Application |Non-Degree Form | In-house Transcript Retrieval Form | Activate JSU Email and NetID | Admissions Transcript Retrieval Form| Term Deferral Form
Financial Aid | Registrar | Recruitment | JSUOnline | Scholarships
Jackson State University | Undergraduate Admissions | P.O. Box 17330 | Jackson, MS 39217 | 1-866-843-3578.